Monday, November 12, 2007

The Fashion Magazine and its Place in Society

Woman’s magazines have taken on a life of their own. No longer are magazines something to read in quiet, for they are now proudly centrally placed for all to see. The fashion magazine adorns the home of young woman, and the topics included are eagerly discussed amongst friends. Magazines are becoming the leisure domain for today’s young as a means of exploring new ideas and attitudes. However, is a fashion magazine worthy of this lofty position in today’s society and its classification as a valuable tool in disseminating knowledge? This essay will outline the arguments regarding the validity in society, of fashion and female magazines such as Marie Claire, Vogue and Woman’s Weekly.

Positive aspects of magazines

Magazines are a woman’s best friend, with no interruptions; a reader can choose topics to suit individual interests and provide answers to life’s demanding questions. Such an attitude reflects women’s thoughts towards this form of mass media, thus promoting one of the most popular means of leisure activities. In today’s society, woman would much prefer to indulge in their favorite magazine and read up on the latest gossip, the best way to diet and the hot shopping spots than read a newspaper or a novel. It can be argued that fashion magazines have become one of the fastest growing forms of mass media.

It can be seen that fashion magazines have become integral in today’s dissemination of information. This is demonstrated by the growth of magazine publications. The various magazine types such as cultural, fitness, gardening, leisure health, fashion and life style can be observed in the numerous rows displayed in news agency however there are more than two rows devoted to woman’s fashion magazines. The diversity of one genre thus has the potential to create an imbalanced view on reality.

The potential to create imbalance is reflected in woman who feel their favorite magazine has the ability to reach them in emotional, social and business areas of life, thus creating the belief magazines are helping them to have a better view on life. This belief that magazines can reach inwards and be apart of a person’s decision making may have more sinister effects. Thus it needs to be explored how much power the mass media extends into society and if this power creates negativity.

Negative impacts of magazines

Magazines as acknowledged are a popular form of communication and by being popular, the issue to be considered revolves around the question does this form of dissemination negatively impacts upon its readers. It can be argued that many women by accepting their weekly magazine is serving them with all the answers to life’s problems, they are in fact ignoring various aspects of life thus creating an in balance in decision making.

It must be stated that fashion magazines do present images to the reader such subjects that they associate with: such as international clothing, latest make up methods, issues that absorb their social and sexual life. However, what must be analyzed is the incongruity in the images and words sent out in magazines such as Cleo, Vogue and New Woman.

The negative imbalance inflicted upon magazine readers has arises from three generic configurations. Firstly, the substantial array of advertising which can take up to 60% of each edition has the potential to negatively affect the reader’s view of the real world. Secondly, the fashion magazine industry has created the belief that the images is the life all woman should have, and if you do not have this life style then you are not a suitable member of the female gender. Finally, the propensity of ultra thin models throughout all magazines publications has created a large percent of younger woman readers to develop negative feelings towards their own body size.

In conclusion, the fashion magazine has a role in today’s society. Further more it would seem strange to consider the removal of this form of communication thus it is unlikely to occur. However what is needed is a re think to create balance in future publications to ensure tomorrow’s readers have a more realistic perception of the society in which they live thus removing the negative impacts which are currently in place. Further more the fashion magazine of tomorrow must avoid continuing with a “fairy Tale” world and become a representation of reality.

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