High Times magazine is not, as previously insinuated on this blog, worthy of praise for it's "intellectual articles" of the past, having significantly departed from the "celebration of all the things 60s youth brought to America: rebellious politics, doing drugs and expanding one’s mind."
The parallel made between Playboy and High Times however, is more fitting. High Times is as about as genuine a commentary on pot counterculture as Playboy is to people who enjoy casual sex. Playboy is a sexist magazine full of articles that have nothing to do with the average man's sex life, not to forget pictures of countless platinum blondes with gigantic fake tits. It is a perverted depiction of a good thing. Rather than fostering healthy and fun sexual relationships, Playboy encourages men to be yuppie "playboys" with bad taste in women and unhealthy perceptions of beauty. High Times, rather than focusing on expanding our minds and perceptions, it tells us to be some lazy, politically/socially apathetic douchebag who grows hydro in his closet with compact flourescents and travels to Europe solely for the purpose of getting stoned in an Amsterdam smokehouse.
Rather than addressing the issue of the distribution political power, which must be radically altered if there is any hope to ending marijuana prohibition in the United States, High Times focuses on limp articles like "the first annual stoner swimsuit special," or others on novice grow techniques or stoking the ego's of mainstream musicians.
To make matters worse, HT has a rather disturbing habit of running reams of full page "fake pot" ads that prey on ignorance and encourage deception. These ads sell "herbs" (non-psychoactive plants) doctored to look like weed, implying that they can get you high with names like "Purple Jamacian" and "Sticky Skunk." What do some readers have to say about these shady practices?"'Those are insulting, exploitive ads,' commented an 18-year-old college student who'd earlier told me that he looks to High Times for spiritual and political guidance. 'It makes me think that High Times is insincere, that they are only about money.'"
Additionally, HT has a history of sexist transgressions "Older readers and women are especially turned off by articles (like the Ozzy Osbourne cover story) that feature attitudes and topics far removed from marijuana or the evolved consciousness it allegedly produces"
Stoner swimsuit issue? Few women written stories? A well publicized event where a writer claims he can't even get laid at the publications infamous Cannabis Cup (which is wrought with corruption, see link) with his dick in his hand? Fake pot ads? Limp articles?
Well, in short, High Times sucks. If I had a house, I'd keep a couple copies around to mop up fresh spilled bongwater before the smell set in the landlords rug.
Now excuse me while I go smoke a fat spliff and fantasize about the coming revolution...
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