Mr. Magazine counts a total of 571 new magazines that were launched this year. For the month of October there was a whopping 96 (this includes one shot deals such as special editions to already established publications, as well as newly launched monthlies).
Samir A. Husni, also known as “Mr. Magazine” is the chair of the journalism department at the university of Mississippi, and author of the book Launch your own Magazine, and the annual Samir Husni’s Guide to

Some of the new October magazines are not unusual titles, Hair Style Ideas, a relaunch of Victoria magazine, and two tattoo magazines

Some of the more absurd titles? Beer, a monthly for people who love, what else? Beer; Mob Candy- “the underworld magazine of mafia politics, pleasures, and power,” with coverlines such as “Gamibno Crime family Issue- a Look at Don Carlo’s Legacy,” and “Staten Islands Finest Mercedes Uncensored.” Finally, Popstar! Magazine’s special edition launch of Zanessa- a magazine devoted to the love story of “High School Musical 2’s” Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens.
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