A recent increase on the sale price of a couple of well known celebrity weeklies may answer these questions.....

In Touch and Life&Style both raised their sale price of $1 to $2.99 a few weeks ago. The single copy sales price of each has gone down by at least 10% from the first half of 2007. Is this a meaningless coincidence or should the industry be more thoughtful as to how much Hollywood in worth to readers?
According to a few industry sources, a few weeks isn't enough to determine whether or not the inflation has anything to do with the consumption decline. They also admit that fall is a down time for most celebrity readings.
My guess is that they're right. Maybe some people see the $1.99 increase, gasp, ponder, and reconsider their purchase. After all, they could really use that money to buy the rest of Thanksgiving dinner or Christmas present for little Timmy. I'm sure after the holidays things will be back to normal and that price change will remain, sucking more out of our pockets to read things that don't matter.
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